
Introduction to Charcoal Carbonizing Process

Carbonization is a very important process for making charcoal briquettes. The whole charcoal carbonizing process can be divided into the following three stages:

Carbonization Furnace
Carbonization Furnace
  1. Briquettes Drying Stage. From the ignition until the temperature reach 160℃, the biomass sticks moisture evaporates steadily mainly depends on the heating resource and independent burning value. There is no chemical changes in this stage
  2. Initial Carbonization Stage. This process mainly depends on the briquettes burning to produce heat and makes the temperature rise to 160~280℃. The biomass briquettes start to have thermal deposition. For example, the hemicellulose decompose into CO2, CO and amount of acetic acid.
  3. Comprehensive Carbonizing Stage(temperature 300~650℃). In this stage, the biomass material undertake chemical decomposition radically. It produces much acetic acid, carbinol and woo tar as well as combustible gas including methane and ethylene. These gas contributes to making a high temperature and the biomass briquettes are distilled into charcoal.

If you want to make pyrocarbon, the furnace temperature should reach 800℃~1000℃.

